Solid blue water boat. No major repairs needed. We are in the process of revarnishing the rails and hatches on the exterior. I have completely rebuilt the head on the boat, glassed in new shower pan, joists, and sprayed new gelcoat. I also recently installed a brand new Jabsco toilet. We also recently Awlgripped the interior cabin top and overhead. The bilge was also recently scoured and cleaned. We also replaced several cabin sole joists with new teak supports. Only minor cosmetics are needed.
Rebuilt Perkins 4108 Newer Outback Charger Newer Magnum Inveter Newer Whale pressure water pumps Benmar Autopilot New Jabsco Head Harken Roller Furler Decent sails Custom water centerline water tank BBQ Avon inflatable Force 10 galley stove Technautics Refrigeration Wood stove Brass ships lamps Ships bell Windlass Radar