This boat has sails and all rigging. I sailed it last year. Comes with a well running tohatsu 3.5 hp motor and trailer. Trailer has been treated with rust treatment paint as it was rusting significantly. Has a new bimini cover, new electric bilge pump and plumbing and the wood has recently been refinished, stained, and coated three times with marine grade urethane. The boat has some cosmetic issues but nothing structurally concerning. The boat has been fitted with LED nav lights and a DIY LED masthead light. Trailer tires are in great shape. Trailer has bearing buddies. Trailer lights work. Trailer has newer bunks with high quality bunk carpet. New rubber bow stop on trailer. Flotation foam in boat still in place. If you buy I will take the boat out with you to show you how to set up and sail it, but it'll need to be in the Nashville area. Also has a battery powered fan in the cabin.