BOAT HISTORY REPORT: INFO: Our sailboat "Sea Rat" is a 1978 Westsail 42 cutter. It has the tall rig, 2-spreader mast, great sails, new standing rigging, new chainplates, barrier coated hull, CPT Autopilot, Monitor Windvane, Tigres windlass, and a Yanmar 4JH4-TE diesel engine with 700 hours. You could launch this boat next week and begin a circumnavigation.
A UNIQUE FACT: Our Westsail is hull #100. While it is undeniably a boat built in 1978, which makes it 46 years old, the boat has seen drastically less use than its age would suggest. For 30 years the boat was stored, unfinished, in California. The sails and original rigging was stored indoors during this period. This is why the sails, while original, are in such great shape. Essentially, the boat has really only been used for about 15 years of its overall life. It's a bit like when someone finds an old classic car that's been stored in a barn for 30 years. In this way, our boat shows far less wear and tear than you'd expect for a boat of this age.
LOCATION: She's currently on the hard in St Mary's, GA in one of the only DIY marinas left on the East coast. It's a great place to keep a boat, especially if you prefer to do your own work, like we do. It is OK if you spend the night on the boat in this work yard. It's already set up with an air conditioner so things stay cool and dehumidified while at the boat.
SAILING CHARACTERISTICS: Contrary to mis-guided belief, the Westsail 42 is quite fast, regularly sailing at speeds over 8 knots sustained. She tends to sail at about half the windspeed and does surprisingly well even in lighter winds. She will point at angles closer than 45 degrees to the wind, but does begin to slip rapidly if pressed to sail much closer than that. She's a HEAVY displacement, full-keel sailboat that's fast, capable, safe, stable, and very comfortable in the ocean.